In January 2022. we made the trip to the Galapagos. Truly a jewel in the Pacific, with minimal human impact, this set of Islands are an amazing destination.

Guayaquil is the classic jumping off point for the Galapagos

Cocoa pods to make chocolate!

Land Iguanas have taken over the park in front of a church in Guayaquil

After a 444 step climb, a little break

Only 200 more steps to go!

Ecuador is home to amazing fruits!

Cotton Fruit

Giant Tortoise

Marine Iguana

Galapagos Penguins.... With only 600 left, this species is ENDANGERED

Swimming with sea lions!

Sea Turtles

It is not easy to get to Isabela Island.... You fly from Guayaquil, land and board a small boat. Across the inlet, then onto a bus... Bus to a launch, then onto a high speed boat for 2-hours... Back onto the launch, and onto a bus. Finally, about 12-hours later, you are at your hotel.
