Hello everyone.... Sorry for the delay in posting. WIFI has been spotty her in Austrailia and I've finally found some down time AND good WIFI in Tasmania
On February 15th I had the chance to interact with endangered Koala bears in the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. This sanctuary is one of several in Austrailia which act as an "insurance policy" in event of natural disaster, disease, famine etc to replenish Austrailia centric animals into the wild. Part of the process includes education and public outreach. See some photos from this interaction at Carrumbin in Autrailia's Gold Coast.
Koalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from Eucalyptus plantsKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from Eucalyptus plantKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from Eucalyptus planKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from Eucalyptus plaKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from Eucalyptus plKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from Eucalyptus pKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from Eucalyptus Koalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from EucalyptusKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from EucolyptusKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from EucolyptuKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from EucolyptKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from EucolypKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from EucolyKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from EucolKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from EucoKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from EucKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from EuKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from EKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients from Koalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients fromKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients froKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients frKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients fKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrients Koalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrientsKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrientKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrienKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrieKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutriKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutrKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nutKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nuKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting the nKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting thenKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting theKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting thKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting tKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting Koalas sleep for 22-hours per day digestingKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digestinKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digestiKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digestKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digeKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day diKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day dKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day Koalas sleep for 22-hours per dayKoalas sleep for 22-hours per daKoalas sleep for 22-hours per dKoalas sleep for 22-hours per Koalas sleep for 22-hours perKoalas sleep for 22-hours peKoalas sleep for 22-hours pKoalas sleep for 22-hours Koalas sleep for 22-hoursKoalas sleep for 22-hourKoalas sleep for 22-houKoalas sleep for 22-hoKoalas sleep for 22-hKoalas sleep for 22-Koalas sleep for 22Koalas sleep for 2Koalas sleep for Koalas sleep forKoalas sleep foKoalas sleep fKoalas sleep Koalas sleepKoalas sleeKoalas sleKoalas slKoalas sKoalas KoalasKoalaKoalKoaKoKChallowKoalas sleep for 22-hours per day digesting t utrients from Eucolyptus plants
Cuddling with my new friend “Ginger”….
She’s 16 (very old for koalas), and lives at Carrumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, where I arranged a koala experience breakfast.
Ginger weighs in at 5kg or about 11-lbs, eats 10% of her weight in eucalyptus leaves every day and sleeps 22-hours/day.
"KO-ala" means “no drink (water)” as they get all their moisture from the leaves.
THIS is my definition of “pure magic”….